Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm a 17 year old straight guy that needs advice on how to take care of his fingernails and cuticles. Help?

I have bit my nails and cuticles all my life, despite many resolutions to stop. I've gotten a lot better with my nails, but my cuticles are constantly white, cracked and dry. I am an OCD type person, and therefore find myself continuously biting these white, cracked, and dry cuticles, until they are clipped or bleeding. Any advice?I'm a 17 year old straight guy that needs advice on how to take care of his fingernails and cuticles. Help?
Here's what I do:

Rub some vasaline or any type of oil specified for cuticles on your cuticles every day. Keep it moisturized to prevent the cracky look. I think it makes your cuticles a bit stronger and healthier too.

When you cut your nails, don't cut them too short but short enough so that they don't pass over the skin. File them to your desired length. Nail files keep the nails from being rough and jagged after you cut because you're shaping the nail.I'm a 17 year old straight guy that needs advice on how to take care of his fingernails and cuticles. Help?
there is a product that you can brush on your nails - it gives an awful taste.. it DOES help to make you stop chewing. Ask the pharmacist..it is also used for children to stop them from thumb sucking... When you notice your hands creeping toward your mouth...put them in your pockets...and get some chewing gum... get some lotion that is good for deep moisturizing...and rub them into your hands also... this is all a good combination to help you move away from it! but you have to begin!!
go and buy some cuticle repair creme and oil and put that on it every night. you can also try loading yoru nails and cuitcles up with baby lotion or baby oil b4 you go to bed and then put a sock on your hand.. that will help too
I used to do nails before nursing school. For cuticles like that I recommended neosporin as a cuticle cream and getting a pair of sharp cuticle nippers- only cut off the dried and dead stuff.
(lotion) they also make bitter stuff to put on your nails to deter you from biting them
get the dead sea fingernail package it will make your nails shine and have your hands smooth in no time trust me i have 2!
Get manicures once a month. My brothre does and he is the manliest man of all.
wow what a turn on....not
put a perfume or smt on your hand that tastes terrible and mayb u wont bite them
i suggest go get a manicure.

watch them do it

do it at home after that like they did at the salon


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